The simple secret to installing a luxury tile floor

Andrew Jones: Three Decades of Crafting Beauty, One Tile at a Time

Hello, folks! My name’s Andrew Jones, but you can just call me Andy. I’ve been laying tiles for longer than some of you might’ve been on this planet – a whopping 30 years. And let me tell you, every time I lay down a piece, it feels just as thrilling as the first time.

You might wonder, “Andy, after 30 years, don’t you get tired of it?” And my answer is, nope, not one bit. Tile is truly a work of art. It’s this wonderful blend of beauty and practicality that I’ve come to love. There’s nothing quite like seeing a finished floor or wall, gleaming and perfect. And the best part? It doesn’t require much upkeep.

Now, over the years, I’ve worked on a myriad of projects. From the coziest of homes to sprawling estates, I’ve seen it all. But let me share a secret: there’s nothing quite like working with large-format tiles, especially the 24” x 48” ones. They’re a dream to install and, when done right, they elevate a space like nothing else. It’s almost like hanging a piece of art on the floor.

Speaking of which, I’ve had the pleasure of using various tiles throughout my career, but the ones that Tile Topic sells? They’re in a league of their own. Hands down, they are the finest tiles I’ve worked with. Each piece is impeccably made, the designs are luxurious, and they fit like a dream. It’s like they’ve somehow found a way to combine timeless beauty with modern craftsmanship.

Andrew Jones, Professional Tiler
Tile Topic

Exclusive Adventures in the World of Luxury Tiling

Now, I’ve had my fair share of projects, but lately, I’ve been gravitating more towards high-end and luxury installations. You see, when you’ve been in the game as long as I have, you get to be a little picky. And these luxury projects? They’re the creme de la creme.

The clients are discerning, with a keen eye for detail. They appreciate the intricacies of a well-laid tile and understand the beauty of a job done right. Every project is like a collaboration – their dream and my craftsmanship coming together.

For those who are venturing into the DIY world of tiling, I’ve got a few pearls of wisdom to share:

  1. Choose Quality Over Quantity: Don’t skimp on materials. A good tile can make or break the final look.
  2. Patience is Key: Tiling isn’t a race. Take your time, ensure every piece is perfectly placed.
  3. Invest in Good Tools: Trust me, a quality trowel or tile cutter can make a world of difference.
  4. Always Plan Ahead: Before you lay down the first tile, always have a clear vision of what you want the final result to look like. It’ll save you a lot of heartache in the long run.

Tiling might seem daunting to a newbie, but with patience and practice, anyone can master it. If a lad like me, without any fancy college degree, can turn it into a 30-year-long passion, so can you.

So the next time you’re thinking of giving a space a fresh new look, why not consider tiles? And if you’re looking for the best, you know where to go – Tile Topic.

The Little Joys of a Tiler’s Life

When I think back to my early days, it was the simple joys that kept me going. The rhythmic tap of the trowel, the satisfying squelch of fresh mortar, and that undeniable sense of achievement when I’d step back and see a freshly tiled surface. These were the moments that fueled my passion, and they still do.

Every tile I lay tells a story. A story of a home being rejuvenated, a space being transformed, or a family’s dream coming to life. These stories are what make every project special.

Over the years, I’ve encountered some challenging surfaces – from uneven floors in old country homes to intricate patterns in modern mansions. But with every challenge came an opportunity to learn and grow. The tougher the task, the sweeter the success.

Tips from My Toolbox

For those eager to take on the world of tiling, here are a few more nuggets from my years in the trenches:

  1. Keep it Clean: Always wipe away excess grout and adhesive immediately. It’s much harder to remove once it dries.
  2. Symmetry Matters: Start tiling from the center of the room and work your way out. This ensures a symmetrical finish and fewer cut tiles around the edges.
  3. Stay Updated: The world of tiling is ever-evolving. New techniques, tools, and trends emerge. Keep learning and stay updated.
  4. Trust Your Instincts: Sometimes, the rulebook won’t have all the answers. In such times, trust your gut. After all, tiling is as much an art as it is a skill.

A Community Beyond Tiles

I must admit, as much as I love tiles, it’s the community that’s kept me going all these years. From fellow tilers sharing trade secrets over a pint, to satisfied homeowners sending holiday cards years after a project – it’s these relationships that have enriched my journey.

In the end, tiles are more than just ceramic or porcelain pieces. They’re a canvas on which memories are made, stories are told, and lives are lived. And if I’ve had a small part in making those canvases a bit more beautiful, then I reckon I’ve done alright.

Why I Choose The Italian Murrina Tile for My Projects

I’m excited to talk about one of my all-time favorite tiles: The Italian Murrina from Tile Topic.

Now, in my 30 years on the job, I’ve seen a fair share of tiles – from the humbly functional to the lavishly ornate. But let me tell you, nothing quite compares to the Italian Murrina. Here’s why I’m head over heels for this masterpiece and choose it time and time again for my projects:

The Epitome of Elegance

First off, the aesthetic of the Italian Murrina is simply unparalleled. Inspired by the intricate glasswork of Venetian artisans, these tiles are a symphony of colors and patterns, each piece a little different from the next. They have a way of catching the light that’s truly mesmerizing – almost like the surface of a tranquil ocean kissed by the sun.

Unmatched Craftsmanship

The craftsmanship of the Italian Murrina is something to be lauded. Crafted in Italy – the heartland of tile artistry – they represent a heritage of meticulous design and expert creation. The quality of these tiles is evident not just in their stunning looks but in their robust feel. When you handle these tiles, you know you’re dealing with top-notch quality.

A Statement of Luxury

Installing the Italian Murrina immediately elevates any space. They exude a sense of luxury and exclusivity that’s hard to replicate. In my line of work, where I deal exclusively with high-end projects, my clients expect nothing less than the extraordinary. These tiles never fail to deliver that wow factor and leave a lasting impression.

Versatility in Design

Despite their opulence, what surprises many of my clients is how versatile these tiles are. Whether it’s a feature wall, a grand foyer, or a lavish bathroom, the Italian Murrina tiles adapt beautifully to various settings. They can complement both contemporary and traditional décor, making them a go-to for diverse projects.

Easy Maintenance

In all its grandeur, you’d expect a high-maintenance relationship with these tiles, but that’s where the Italian Murrina tiles are deceptive. Like most high-quality tiles, they are incredibly easy to care for. A simple wipe down is often enough to keep them looking as good as new, making them not just a beautiful choice but a practical one.

My Personal Satisfaction

Lastly, there’s a personal touch to this. Every time I lay down the Italian Murrina tiles, I feel a sense of pride in my work. It’s not just about completing a job; it’s about creating a piece of art that will be treasured for years to come. And when I see the awe in my clients’ eyes as they take in their newly transformed space, it reminds me why I started tiling in the first place.

I’m not the only one who thinks so highly about Tile Topic. Take a look at the reviews for their Murrina Del Mare tile:

So there you have it – a few reasons why the Italian Murrina tile from Tile Topic is often my first choice for luxury projects. It’s not just a tile; it’s a statement – one that speaks of beauty, durability, and timeless elegance.

Until next time, keep laying it right and tiling it tight!
